Pack of 5-star stickers Pack of 4-star stickers Pack of 3-star stickers Pack of 1-star stickers
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Created with passion for Royal Match players

Propose exchanges

Organise exchanges for missing cards by proposing up to 5 of your duplicates. Once the exchange has been accepted, you can add the player to Royal Match friends list and proceed with the exchange!

Preview of an exchange proposal sent to Mario

Search for missing cards

You will be able to search for all the cards you are missing when the album closes.

Preview of a card exchange proposal

Reliability on trade

Organise secure exchanges with friends and trusted players. For each exchange, the percentage of successful exchanges will always be visible.

Preview of a card exchange proposal

Share your cards

Preview of a card exchange proposal
Preview of the first sets of Royal Match

Shared albums

You will be able to add Sticker Match players and you will be able to see their albums in real time in order to exchange missing cards and help them close their sets!

Add friend on Sticker Match


Six languages are available to exchange cards with players from all over the world.

Translated into English Translated into Italian Translated into French Translated into Spanish Translated into German Translated into Portuguese